The Deutelio Terms of Use apply to all elements contained within the website (information, logos, images, etc.) and within our social media accounts.

We are using Deutelio or its affiliates (“we”, “us”, “our”, “team”) to refer to Deutelio and “you”, “yours”, “user” to refer at the people not mentioned under the section “PEOPLE”.

Use of the website and

The website is maintained in-house by the team of Deutelio.

This website is used to enhance public access to our project and awareness on nuclear fusion. In addition, it helps us to raise funds for financing the project which has a positive social and environmental impact.

The team is doing his best to timely maintain all the information up to date and accurate, but it could contain errors or unclear sentences. This could also be due to inaccurate translations.

For this reason, Deutelio may add, change, improve, or update the information available on the website without notice. We reserve exclusive right to alter, limit or discontinue part of the website. Under no circumstances shall the team and Deutelio be liable for any loss, damage, liability, or expense suffered which is claimed as a result from using of this website, including without limitation, any fault, error, omission, interruption, or delay. The use of this website is at user’s sole risk and responsibility and we do not have obligation to take the needs of any user into consideration in connection therewith.


To protect the website Deutelio is using plug ins (e.g., antivirus software, etc.) developed by third parties to monitor activities. In addition, the social accounts have pre-installed features that enables the monitoring of the activities and are then analyzed in dashboards.

Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring. As mentioned in the session “Privacy Policy” Deutelio is not collecting data for taking advantages, but these are information needed for the security of the website and the end-user and are managed directly by third parties as mentioned in the paragraph before.

We reserve all the rights to limit or terminate your access without notification to preserve the integrity of Deutelio including the people and the assets.

Use of material


The website and the social media accounts contain pictures who are either propriety of Deutelio or were taken from external third parties. The team has ensured that the pictures taken from a third-party source were not protected by copyright or other limitations.

However, mistakes are possible. Please write an email to legal@deutelio.com if you notice that a picture (or a content) is violating a copyright or is in general against the law and ethical rules.

Branding material

We have developed branding materials (e.g., templates, logo) that are used on the website and on the social media accounts. Some of them are protected by copyright.

If you noticed that our branding material violates the copyrights of other companies, please inform us by sending an email to legal@deutelio.com